Porchetta with Granny Smith pesto and a stuffed potato

Ingredients (for 4 persons)

4 porchetta medallions


For the pesto

2 Granny Smith apples // 125 g rocket // 1 tbsp olive oil // 15 cl Ruwet cider // pepper and salt


For the stuffed potatoes

4 large potatoes // cream // grated gruyere // preserved tomatoes // peas // broad beans // pepper and salt


Preparation of the pesto

Rinse two Granny Smith apples and remove the core. Mix with the rocket, Ruwet cider and olive oil.


Preparation of the dish

Grill the porchetta medallions. Boil the potatoes in their skins and scoop out the middle. Make a mixture of the cream, cheese, chopped tomatoes, peas and broad beans. Season with salt and pepper. Stuff the potatoes with this filling. Place them in the oven under the grill for a few minutes before serving.

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