Digitalisation breathes new life into the catering sector

07 june, 2017

The internet has made the life of a number of sectors a lot easier. And digitalisation is also doing the same for the catering sector. New platforms such as Growzer simplify time-consuming administration and day-to-day processes. Catering establishments gain time, their costs go down and they obtain more insights. 


Booking systems, mobile payments and social media. You name it. During the past few years the catering industry opened its doors to a number of innovative digital ideas. Yet we see that mainly these innovations were to the benefit of the client.


Restaurants, bars and hotels, now more than ever, need to simplify their own day-to-day processes. Catering entrepreneurs lose valuable time and means to doing things like administration, management applications or placing orders at a supplier. And that is a real shame because it prevents them from concentrating on the actual core of their business.


Growzer: order online, to measure is to know

Growzer wants to guarantee the future of the sector by developing and supporting innovative online management applications. This way Growzer makes the specific processes between catering entrepreneurs, wholesalers and producers much more efficient. This results in a higher return for all parties.


Order platform

The order platform allows the catering entrepreneur to order from his suppliers by just one click of the mouse. Forget leaving messages on an answer phone, writing long faxes or typing emails. No more time will be wasted when placing orders from suppliers. Calculations such as working out costs and profit margins are done easily too.


Moreover, he can link the platform to the checkout, reservation, accounting and time registration systems. This way business owners have a 360° management platform with clear dashboards which they can use to steer their company.



And don’t forget: catering establishments can use the platform for free for a whole month. Click here to get started for free, or to receive more information about Growzer.


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